Element 3

Element 3: Teachers plan, assess and report for effective learning 

Planning teaching and learning goals

3.1.1 Demonstrate the capacity to identify and articulate clear and appropriate learning goals in lesson preparation 

Teaching and learning programs

3.1.2 Plan and implement coherent lessons and lesson sequences that are designed to engage students and address learning outcomes 

Selection and organisation of content

3.1.3 Select and organise subject/content in logical, sequential and structured ways to address student learning outcomes 

Selection, development and use of materials and resources

3.1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of appropriate and engaging resources and materials to support students’ learning        

Linking assessment to learning

3.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and use of a range of strategies to assess student achievement of learning outcomes

3.1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of the link between outcomes and assessment strategies  

Providing feedback to students

3.1.7 Give helpful and timely oral and written feedback to students  

Assessment – Monitoring of students’ progress and record keeping

3.1.8 Demonstrate knowledge and a rationale for keeping accurate and reliable records to monitor students’ progress  


3.1.9 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practices of reporting to students, parents and caregivers 

Program evaluation

3.1.10 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practices for using student assessment results to reflect on lesson sequences and inform further planning of teaching and learning 

I believe when teachers plan, assess and report effectively, students are able to attain standards of achievement that are at the peak of their potential. I believe effective assessment is central to the teaching and learning process and can be judged by the extent to which it helps develop student learning. It allows teachers to focus their energy on devising an appropriate repertoire of practices that will extend students, rather than classifying and comparing them with other students (Latham, G. et al, 2006, pp.264).  

I believe that:

·         Students are able to progress in their learning when teachers provide effective, clear, relevant and focused formative feedback (Latham, G. et al, 2006, pp.273).

·         They are also able to make progress when they understand the assessment process, and are involved in their own learning.

·         Students benefit when teachers employ a range of assessment techniques, particularly those that develop motivation and self-esteem

·         Teachers are able to assist students’ learning when they use manageable systems for recording student progress, and relevant data effectively to inform their teaching, student goals, and monitor student progress.  

I have during my past professional experiences, clearly identified and articulated learning goals in all my lessons. When introducing a new lesson, I make it a priority to communicate to students what the aim of the lesson is, what sorts of outcomes are to be expected and how it relates to them. According to Latham et al, it is important that assessments are authentic and purposeful to its learners, and addresses real-world issues (Latham, G. et al, 2006, pp.281). 

I have planned and implemented coherent and sequential lessons to support and scaffold students’ understanding (Appendix 2). Before designing a unit, I determine the goals which I would like students to achieve, and then plan accordingly. If it is determined through observation, monitoring and assessment that students have only developed a superficial understanding of the content, I have redesigned the lesson to compensate for what is not learnt e.g. Maths lesson on data. I also bear in mind their capabilities, and their varied approaches to learning. I have also utilised a range of resources, such as the “feely bag” and big books to engage and support students’ learning (Appendix 2).   

I have provided my students with helpful oral feedback by ensuring their work is marked at the conclusion of each lesson, when everything is still fresh and clear in their mind (Appendix 2). While correcting their work, I not only monitor whether students are getting their work right, but also incorrect. If several students have not understood a question, then it is discussed as a class. It is important that feedback is constructive and purposeful and provided by a variety of people in the learning community (Latham, G. et al, 2006, pp.281).

I have reported to students their progress and their areas that strength and weaknesses. During my last practicum, the school had a reward system, which I used as a method to identity and report students’ progress and achievements e.g. 20 points for Irene, for working hard during maths and writing a very descriptive paragraph in literacy (Appendix 5).  

I will however need to further develop my understanding of the principles and practices of reporting to parents and caregivers by finding opportunities during my next professional experience and internship to communicate with them effectively. According to Latham et al, there are many ways to report, such as formally or informally through monthly newsletters, conferences, videos, and information websites (Latham, G. et al, 2006, pp.275).  

I will also need to practise using a range of strategies to assess student achievement of learning outcomes. In the past, I have conducted many summative forms of assessment, so in my next professional experience, I will aim to employ formative assessments. According to Groundwater-smith et al, continual improvement of programs can occur by reflecting on teaching and learning within the program (2003, pp.163).  


Groundwater-smith, S., Ewing, R., & Le Cornu, R. (2003) Teaching Challenges and Dilemmas. Victoria: Thompson Learning Australia  

Latham, G., Blaise, M., Dole, S., Faulkner, J., Lang, J. & Malone, K. (2006). Learning to teach – New times, new practices. New York: Oxford University Press.